To begin this journey you must have some thugs and a limited amount of cards. One way to earn the respect you desire is by increasing your war fund and effectively carrying out criminal tasks. Facebook Messenger’s Thug Life Game is a ghetto setting with streets in a metropolis atmosphere in the United States. Every gang wants to be respected by other gangs. One aspect of gangsterism is territorial competition. To carry this out, you and your gang of thugs will require the following: This game will require you to recruit thugs like yourself into criminality and unending battles in your urban home as a street thug. Now, before you jump to conclusions, it’s critical that you understand that gangster games aren’t intended to encourage gangsterism rather, they’re intended to educate you on what gangsterism entails. This is a board game based on gang warfare. The Facebook Messenger game Thug Life is one of the most popular on Facebook, with over 7.5 million participants.